Items We Buy

Items We Buy

Items we buy at our Mesa, Arizona pawn shop can literally be almost anything that has remaining value, and which someone else might be interested in buying from us. We understand that a lot of good people occasionally run into financial difficulties, and need to generate cash in a hurry, so that’s why we provide you with the opportunity to sell your valuables to us temporarily, in order to relieve your cash flow issues. The great thing is – as soon as the crisis is over, you can come back to see us and redeem your valuable item, and re-assume ownership. We always give you the option to buy back your valuables at the end of the loan period with us, so you never have to lose anything that really means a lot to you.

How Does The Buying Process Work?

When you sell us an item, there is a 3-month loan period which we are required by state law to abide by, and as long as you can make payments of at least the monthly interest, your loan will be in good standing with us. Of course, it’s always better to pay the interest plus some amount on the principle, so that you can steadily be lowering your outstanding balance, but as mentioned before, if there are times when all you have is the money for interest, we can work with you. Sometimes our clients go through extended financial hardships, and we can still make arrangements to keep the loan going, as long as at least the interest amount is being paid upon. We can even rewrite the terms of the loan as often as need be, if you can continue to make interest payments that cover the required portion of loan repayment. We are not one of those pawn shops that’s mostly interested in closing the door on you and taking possession of your valuables – we want to help you retain possession, as long as you are also bargaining in good faith.

What Items Do You Buy?

If you still have questions about items we might buy from you, give us a call – just because you don’t see your items on the list which follows, that doesn’t mean we don’t buy it. It just means the list is so long, that we couldn’t include everything. We buy electronic devices such as cell phones, laptops, notebooks, computers, desktops, video game systems, video games, musical instruments of all kinds, vehicles (see our blog about ‘vehicle title loans’), sports equipment, jewelry of all kinds, gold, silver, gemstones, pearls, titanium, diamonds, rubies, emeralds, and even complete estate collections of dress jewelry. We also buy watches and televisions, coins, stamps, and collectibles such as antiques.

*We prefer electronics that are 2 years or newer with a current market value of $150*